One of the things we hear most often from practicing attorneys is “I wish the Utah Center of Legal Inclusion had been around when I was in law school!” Now that UCLI does exist, we hope that no student has to make it through law school without knowing about the services and resources it offers. UCLI staff, interns, and volunteers spent the last month meeting law students on their campuses and sharing information about the valuable programs, fellowships, and scholarships they can take advantage of throughout their law school career. We successfully recruited 53 law students to the Utah Law Student Mentoring program – the highest number of students we will ever mentor during the course of an academic year.
UCLI staff were able to join students at the University of Utah’s S. J. Quinney College of Law on August 13, 2024 for the Law School Orientation Resource Fair, where we met dozens of 1Ls excited to begin their law school experience. On September 3, UCLI staff and volunteers went back to this campus for the Public Interest Careers Fair, which was sponsored by the Career Development Office in collaboration with the Pro Bono Initiative and Public Interest Law Organization. We were able to share a bit about UCLI’s purpose and programming while tabling and during an informal networking and hors d’oeuvres hour.
UCLI staff and interns also attended the Brigham Young University J. Reuben Clark Opening Social on September 5, 2024. The social took place on the west patio of the law school and was a great chance to connect with new and returning BYU Law students, while getting to know their clubs and offerings.
We are grateful for the hospitality of university staff and faculty for welcoming UCLI onto their campuses, and were delighted to meet so many incredible law students through these events. We wish them the best of luck this academic year and are standing by to assist in any way we can.

UCLI Executive Director Kaitlyn Pieper talks to students about UCLI programming at the U Law School Orientation Resource Fair

UCLI Interns Melesisi Pauu and Mirabella Keogh share information about the Utah Law Student Mentoring Program with BYU law students

UCLI Executive Director Kaitlyn Pieper oversees law student recruitment at the Public Interest Careers Fair