Meadowlark Initiative

In 2020 the Meadowlark Initiative began as a partnership between Mr. John Arthur’s sixth grade class and UCLI volunteer attorneys and law students. Since then dozens of attorneys and law students from all over Utah and the country have participated in this program. Meadowlark Elementary is a Title I school located in the Rose Park neighborhood of Salt Lake City. A large portion of the student body are of racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds. The program allows attorneys the opportunity to mentor students on a weekly basis.

Each week attorneys meet with students via Zoom for a half an hour at a time. Students gain helpful insight on their various writing projects. The sessions are a great chance for students to increase confidence in their writing abilities. It is also a chance for students to meet and interact with attorneys and law students in a comfortable and safe environment. We are grateful for the work Mr. Arthur puts into his class and this program. We are also appreciative of the dozens of volunteers who give of their time to make this program possible. Watch this video to learn more about this amazing program. Sign ups begin at the beginning of each new school year. If you are interested please contact UCLI Associate Director at .