The Utah Center for Legal Inclusion (UCLI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the goals of fairness, opportunity, and inclusion in Utah’s legal profession. By coordinating with the Utah State Bar and its affinity groups, legal employers, government agencies, educational institutions, and community partners, UCLI strives to enhance organizational inclusion, facilitate educational opportunities and professional advancement for students and attorneys from historically underserved communities, assist in eliminating bias in Utah’s justice system, and track the progress of legal inclusion efforts throughout the state. UCLI invites all to participate in its initiatives, which will help strengthen Utah’s legal institutions.

UCLI recognizes the unique challenges and current climate surrounding the topics of equity and inclusion. We make every effort to be sensitive to all groups and interests that exist in Utah and specifically, in Utah’s legal community. As a 501(C)(3) nonprofit we have certain limitations with respect to lobbying with regards to current and future legislation, policies, and legal cases. While UCLI believes strongly in greater access to justice, we are primarily a pipeline focused organization and do not provide legal representation or advice. If you are in need of legal help we would be happy to connect you with organizations who may be able to be of assistance. To these ends, UCLI welcomes your feedback, suggestions, and productive criticism.

Please contact us to let us know how we can improve and to share your ideas for achieving UCLI’s objectives.